Monday, August 31, 2015

Acts 18-20, Galatians

On Sunday September 6 Michaela will teach material from lesson 32 in the gospel doctrine manual. It covers Acts 18-20 and Galatians.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Acts 16

On Aug. 30 we will discuss Acts 16 and look at how Paul and Silas bring three very different people to Christianity. Here is a link to the gospel doctrine instructor's manual for this lesson.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Acts 10-15

On Sunday Aug. 23 we will study Acts 10-15 and discuss the exciting topics of dietary restrictions, circumcision, and the Council of Jerusalem. Here is the link to the lesson in the gospel doctrine instructor manual.

Consider this question as you read these chapters: how might these chapters apply as we think about the Church and its global reach today?

And here is some bonus reading from the Ensign, since the issue of the seer stone has been in the news lately.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Acts 6-9

On Sunday Aug. 16 we will discuss Acts 6-9. Here is a link to the lesson in the instructor's manual.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Acts 1-5

On Sunday August 9 we will discuss Acts 1-5 (Here is the link to the gospel doctrine instructor's manual).

The Ascension (Acts 1.1-14)
-Any particular significance to the fact that Christ was with the disciples for 40 days?
-Can it be argued that the ascension was necessary for Christianity to really take off?

Pentecost (Acts 2.1-13)
-What is God teaching through the Pentecostal experience of the disciples? In other words, what do you think is the primary message of this passage?
-Why did this happen on the day of Pentecost (what is the symbolic importance of the day)?

Peter's Discourse (Acts 2.14-40)
-Why does Peter quote scripture?
-What pattern does Peter establish for a Christian discourse? How might this be applied in our sacrament meeting talks?
(Look at verses 37-47 to see the impact of the experience and of Peter's talk in the lives of those to whom he spoke.)

The Healing and its Aftermath (Acts 3-5)
-What do Peter's healing words imply about human values and expectations?
-What is the cost of this healing to Peter (see chapters 4 and 5) and what does this teach us both about discipleship and about the atonement?
-How is Peter's discourse like the one he gave in chapter 2?